Aeronautical Engineer,
IHEDN Auditor
International Operations
Export Sales
Pilot training,
Aircraft and Helicopters
Aeronautical Engineer
Technical management,
line and base maintenance,
airworthiness management,
aircraft modifications
Captain (2S)
Pilot aeronaval
School of War
Master HEC, Aeronautical Engineer
Drone service provider since 2018
by drawing on the skills of 3 experienced partners in the fields of operations (public transport and aerial work) and aircraft maintenance
For civilian, government and military customers
In France or for export
The technical and regulatory capacity to deploy the full range of UAVs on the market, selected on the basis of expected performance in the most complex flight scenarios (long elongation, “heavy” UAVs).
With our extensive airline experience, we guarantee the highest standards of Quality and Safety.
Services in France and abroad.
A complete range of support services (UAVs and sensors), covering airworthiness management, maintenance, logistics, provision of experts, supply of spare parts and training of remote pilots and mechanics.
Support for the development of local operators and maintenance centers, to accompany the growth of international drone activities
Accueil » The Extensee company